Today I was born!
I actually do mean that I was in fact born 25/7/2003 a whole 21 years ago, but this blog was also born today! I'm writing this post at the very last hour of the 25th and most of what I'm going to say here was things I was planning on writing today.
Now it might just be too soon to know what this blog is actually going to turn into, hard to say what i'll be doing after 3 months or 6 months or maybe even in a year from now who knows? Hopefully it'll be cool stuff just as cool if not cooler than what I'm doing at the minute.
For now the plan is to use this blog as often as I can if not daily to lore dumb about all the cool projects I have, as well as to journal a little, don't get me wrong I love the old pen and paper but sometimes it feels good to know that there is a real chance my thoughts can actually reach someone other than myself and throwing them at the deep semi endless web feels like as good a way to spread the word.
Nonsense aside let's talk about the good stuff, at the moment I have this little love creatures on my plate:
- Tales from Narkha - novel
- Night walk - webcomic
- Cruelty membrane - game
- Cruelty membrane- beeps - lore?
- Glivy- webcomic
- Into the copperlands - tabletop rpg
And for now that's it I would love to go into more details about all this project but I feel like for my own sake and the sake of my reader's patience it would be better to tackle this works one at a time with their own respective posts
Also, YouTube is a thing I wish I did more of and Patreon is a thing I should definitely get to work on as fast as I can manage, but either way both of this as well as everything else I have could and probably will benefit greatly from having me write about it somewhat daily on this blog
It might really help make this projects move forward faster and also help me keep a much cleaner archive of my ideas and how they develop
Also, my work is fun, but it's not what I'm all about (or at least not all the time) soo outside of posting about this little devils I might also just straight up post game/movie/series reviews and some essays I have been planning to write for a few months now
It's hard to tell what the future has in store for me with this whole blog business, but I am excited to give it a real try and hopefully use it as a way to get tons of stuff out of my head and onto paper… or digital paper at least!
I suppose that's going to be all for now, thanks for reading and hope you-all enjoy the ride that's going to be this blog, because if there's one thing I can guarantee you is that it's not going to be boring